What we do?
We specialize in production of eggs, ensuring their highest quality through the high standards of our production: taking care of our parent flocks and laying hens.
Healthy eggs are eggs that do not contain any harmful or toxic substances, free from all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria causing harmful infections. We avoid that by strictly controlling health condition of our hens and quality of the feed we give them. Entire breeding takes place in closed halls, mainly in the aviary - barn system. This way we guarantee separation of our flocks from dangers such as wild animals that can be carriers of various diseases. It also enables effective veterinary control and health care of birds. Hens eat only the feed that is provided by a qualified team of zootechnicians. The system of barn farming is a method of producing healthy eggs that do not contain harmful substances, in which laying hens have comfortable living conditions.

The hens eat only the feed given by our specialized zootechnical team. The feed comes from at least in 80% of Polish fields.