Sustainable development report of the Woźniak Group


Year by year we become more and more aware of the impact our food choices have on the environment and surroundings. It is not only about what we eat, whether we reduce meat consumption or eat more fruit and vegetables but also about the origin of the food products. Do we choose seasonal products from locals? Do they apply modern and balanced production methods aimed at reducing the use of feedstock? Our decisions have consequences that we, as customers, have to consider.

In Woźniak Group we are aware of the ongoing changes and challenges we are facing, which is why we are using integrated production process. On the one hand it helps us maintain high standards, on the other hand, every stage of production is supervised, thanks to which we limit losses in both materials and energy. It is crucial for us that production, which affects environment, is sustainable, following the newest guidelines, keeping harmony and respect within our organization and societies around us.


We encourage you to take a look at our first report on our sustainable development. The report presents the summary of our company’s activity in 2018-2020. In it we demonstrate our approach and activities taken in line with the sustainable development objectives and corporate social responsibility.


Download the report >


Supporting social initiatives

In Woźniak Group we realize that we are a part of the community, both local, within the area of our production and also those who receive our products. Thanks to the close collaboration with our coworkers and partners from various parts of Poland, we learn the needs and expectations thereof. As the largest producer of eggs in the country, we want to support and influence the changes taking place in society. We believe that the key to a good business is a good heart, therefore we work for the benefit of the industry by being engaged in the activities of organizations related to the poultry sector, but we also provide direct help by supporting many non-governmental initiatives. Our philanthropic activity can be seen at various levels. We cooperate with social organizations, we make material and financial donations, we educate and engage in charity and sports events.

In Ovotek we cooperate with:


Rak’n’Roll is a foundation that changes the way people think about cancer and works to improve the quality of lives of cancer patients. Since the beginning the main priority of the foundation was to create a new view on cancer in public space. Together, we break the taboos related to the approach to cancer in Poland and we spread positive energy. Ovotek company supported the foundation's activities during implementation of the project ‘50 inspiring business personalities’

Foundation ‘To rescue children with cancer’ [Polish: ‘Na ratunek dzieciom z chorobom nowotworową’]

Foundation holding the Polish name ‘Na ratunek dzieciom z chorobom nowotworową’ since 1991 has been supporting children afflicted with cancer to fully recover. During that time the foundation supported thousands of children affected by cancer all over Poland.


Local initiatives supported by Ovotek:

Volunteer fire department in Kożuchowo

Volunteer fire department in Lubiechowo